Andrea E. Stumpf,
award-winning author and partnership advisor
with a legal background
Previously employed by government, law firms, private companies, and a multilateral development institution, I have been around the block more than a few times.
Now as a consultant, my clients range from private foundations, nongovernmental organizations, academic institutions, consulting firms, to multilateral development banks and more.
Are you a true believer in the benefits of inclusive collaboration and the synergies of structured partnerships? I am.

Check out some of my publications:
Data Systems: Sustainable Solutions for Food Safety, blog on Agrilinks with others, 2021
A Public-Private Partnership for Data Sharing on the Impact of Food Safety Capacity Building, with others for JIFSAN, 2020
Conceptualizing Fiduciary Structures That Create Demand for Development Outcomes, with others in SocArXiv, 2019
Partnering in the Unincorporated International Arena, in the robert wray pllc newsletter, 2019
Trust-Funded Partnership Programmes of the World Bank Under the ARIO, in Brill IOLR, 2016
Here is what the practice of structuring international partnership programs takes and what I bring:
Years as a lawyer with complex, multi-party drafting and negotiating experience.
A business mindset with practical understandings of how partnership governance works.
Extensive experience with upstream funding vehicles, like full trustee and pass-through trust funds.
Extensive experience with downstream funding operations, like loans and grants.
The ability to move smoothly from conceptualization to documentation to implementation.
A consistent focus on results and closure, always thinking ahead to operationalizing.
Adaptability to specific contexts through dynamic interaction with clients and partners.
Creative thinking and innovative approaches that make solutions out of problems.
Unflagging attention to detail coupled with broad perspectives and big picture understandings.
A knack for clear articulations of common ground among partners and constructive mechanisms to reach results.
An understanding of different roles, like trustee, secretariat, decider, implementer, etc. that lets design be modular.
An understanding of financial / fiduciary aspects, like fees, costs, fund use, procurement, conflicts, safeguards, etc.
A honed lens to troubleshoot reputational, legal and other risks, and then find and design mitigations.
Can I help you and your organization?
My approach is collaborative and iterative. I gear my advice to business objectives and existing parameters. I seek to empower partners. I help them understand their choices and lay out context-specific options and implications.
Contact me for an initial conversation about how I can expand your world.

My goal is to help participants become better partners in better partnerships.